I am a Union Member and proud of it. My membership is in the United Transportation Union. We get nothing for free. Everything we have has been negotiated by mutual agreement with the carriers.
If you have no vacation,or any other benefits you should be looking for another job.You are not even close to living the American Dream, you are about to die from it.
The statement that you work 120 hour weeks is a recipe for disaster and then you are looking for more work?? Got your funeral plan paid up..if that's true you are going to need it. I bet you are a real peach to be around if you are that stressed out.
Gosh, there are only 168 hours in a week...If you are only off duty 48 hours every 7 days you need to get a life.
Unions built this country by forcing these corporate scumbags to pay a decent wage for the job being done. It created the middle class that supports our economy.
I work in the Railroad industry running trains. It is dangerous work and our life style suffers mightily because of it. Erratic long hours, always gone at the wrong time. However, it is something I like doing and because of the union I am compensated fairly for the concessions I must give in regard to lifestyle.
Actual Unions have diminished over the years. We now have new unions under a different guise, AMA, ABA, and etc. These professional associations are more powerful than labor unions.
I'm tired and it is late but you have earned my coveted scumbag status.