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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: Folks Did Honest Work For Binion's Too... *sad

>>>Stu I believe you would make a good Mr. Scrooge in the Christmas Play.


>>>All things that the "unions" have negociated have trickled up and out

Maybe I should join a union...

You see, I don't work a 40 hour week. I work until the job gets done (at certain times of the year, that can be a 120 hour week) and then I spend a great deal of time on how I can get more work.

I don't get a "paid vacation", "paid holidays", "sick time", "overtime" or any other kind of "paid break". Quite simply, if I don't work, I don't get paid.

My pension is tied directly to the business so if the business doesn't do well, I'm pretty much screwed.

I'm not provided with anything to do my job. Everything I need must come right out of my pocket so I can't waste anything and if I have a "grievance", nobody gives a damn.

My boss is a real jerk. His name is ambition but he is sometimes called desire. While not always easy to work for, he provides me with a certain lifestyle.

I don't know where folks get the idea that they are "entitled" to something. You aren't entitled to a damn thing. Success comes not from what is given but by what is EARNED.

Messages In This Thread

I'll take the sign in the cold any day!
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Re: I'll take the sign in the cold any day!
I'll second that emotion, brother Tyrus! grin
Re: I'll take the sign in the cold any day!
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Re: I'll take the sign in the cold any day!
Re: I'll take the sign in the cold any day!
Re: I'll take the sign in the cold any day!
Re: I'll take the sign in the cold any day!
Re: I'll take the sign in the cold any day!
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Scab? Gimme a break!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
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Um, Mark
See my Email to you...
Re: Tyrus, My Explanation...It's Simple..
I never said Todd was a scab!
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DRUNK?? I doubt it...
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Ok, We Will See What Morning Brings..
Re: "He volunteered for the situation"
You just don't get it and that is sad!
Re: DRUNK?? I doubt it...
Re: Volunteering
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Re: Hate to rain on your parade
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Re: Folks Did Honest Work For Binion's Too... *sad
Re: Folks Did Honest Work For Binion's Too... *sad
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Thank You, James....
Not a chance
ok *VBG*

Copyright 2022 David Spragg