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The Chip Board Archive 11

Scab? Gimme a break!

Here's something I don't understand from pro-union people. Maybe you can explain it to me.

Union goes out on strike. People who are mgmnt (supervisors, high-level, low-level, doesn't matter) are told to fill in for the strikers. They do their job and are called dishonest and scabs.

What do you expect? Do you honestly state that Todd should resign from his employer (or get fired) because he doesn't want to fill in? What happens to Todd in a couple of weeks (or months) when the Union signs a new contract and the workers are back at work. He's still out of a job! Do you really think the Union workers are going to give a damn about him once they're back at work?

Call somebody who comes in off the street and takes the job a scab, I don't care. But think through the reality of it before you start calling management workers who are doing their job and working long, hard hours to cover for the strikers a scab. Better yet, why don't you drop everything and go stand on the picket line to show your support.

I just had a hands on experience with the Teamsters Strike here in Las Vegas a few months ago thanks to two of the people I live with. I have lost ALL respect for Unions and their members.


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Scab? Gimme a break!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
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Um, Mark
See my Email to you...
Re: Tyrus, My Explanation...It's Simple..
I never said Todd was a scab!
I am not a Teamster...
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Thank You, James....
Not a chance
ok *VBG*

Copyright 2022 David Spragg