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The Chip Board Archive 17

He bid $430 and then said it was an error

He did not retract his $28 bid - just his $430 bid. I have no idea if he was just running things up or not. Since he is new to eBay he may have been a legitimate bidder - just bidding it up slowly until he mad the error. Still looks a little fishy....

Here is what it says on the auction page:

Bid retraction and cancellation history

Bidder Action / Explanation Date of Bid and Retraction
gsag8771( 0 ) New eBay Member (less than 30 days) Retracted: US $430.00
Explanation: Entered wrong amount Bid: Dec-19-07 19:52:00 PST
Retracted: Dec-19-07 19:58:45 PST

Messages In This Thread

Reverse Sniping? I've seen it all now!!
Re: Reverse Sniping? I've seen it all now!!
You are correct, Ralph... eBay won't
REALLY?? Explain this..... eBay won't
The eBay retraction rules are below...
He followed the rules, but I don't think this...
grin I agree with you, Mike...his bid that he
He bid $430 and then said it was an error
Thanks Charles... I feel better now.
Re: He bid $430 and then said it was an error
i didn't know silver notes were $30 a piece!
Evidently SOME from 1923 ARE!
These are not the same as you pick up... see pic
these are my finds
Series 1923 was the last of the LARGE notes...
Re: these are my finds
Well, there looks like a legit bid...
Re: Well, there looks like a legit bid...
Good point

Copyright 2022 David Spragg