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The Chip Board Archive 20

Auto recalls and Congress (NCR-Political)

Ford (not government owned...yet) has had about double the recalled cars that Toyota has had in the last five years in America, including all of the recent Toyota recalls. Why weren't Ford executives subpoenaed to testify before Congress about their vehicle flaws like Toyota has been? Intentional destruction of a corporate image and brand name that isn't anchored by a UAW labor workforce that fueled Obama's Presidential campaign is the ONLY reason. Doing so is costing 10's of thousands of American workers who build Toyota's here in America a huge potential for lost wages and/or jobs. What the **** are they thinking?!?

The current administration is approaching the point of insanity in their desire to have absolute control of every aspect of our economy, no matter who it hurts. Anyone who voted for the Messiah should be ashamed. You have been an active willing participant in the deliberate dismantling of capitalism as a fair trade economic mechanism, and the Constitution of the United States of America is being walked on like a piece of carpet in a convenience store during a snow storm.

Obama is such a miserable failure as a President, he has overtaken Jimmy Carter as our worst President in less than half of one term. He has (and continues to try to), sold this country out from under the feet of those who once made it great and strong. I never thought I'd think the most dangerous man in this country listed the White House as his home address, but that is now reality. Many (not enough) of his willing accomplices will find themselves looking for work as lobbyists after the 2010 elections. The shoveling of cash between special interests and politicians is the only job with which they have experience.

Messages In This Thread

Auto recalls and Congress (NCR-Political)
I never really looked
Re: I never really looked
It's ok to be displeased with Obama, but ~~~
Re: It's ok to be displeased with Obama, but ~~~
Re: It's ok to be displeased with Obama, but ~~~
Yeah, they took action
I don't have to read
Sure you do if you want to understand how ~~~
Stupid me
WE are NOT in a 2nd Great Depression. Sleep well g
Don't tell me
It's ok to be displeased with Benedict, but ~~~
Re: Auto recalls and Congress (NCR-Political)
Re: Auto recalls and Congress (NCR-Political)
Aside from Jerry
I voted for him....that's 2...
2 Down and Millions to go
grin My one and a half cents...
vbg I think that...
With no disrespect
BTW, you're the same one who came on this board ~~
Re: BTW, you're the same one who came on this boar
OBAMS' Public Service......
Re: Aside from Jerry
Re: Auto recalls and Congress (NCR-Political)
I think you are missing the point
This has been a good thread...
don't Give Up so soon....
vbg You meaning like ~~~
No, More Like
WAIT A Minute.....
There's a pair you can't beat
I bet you cant tell which one is which grin
YES WE CAN! Obama - Obanana & Obiden TRIPS!!
I'd back up Walmart any day over any Mom/Pop ~~~
Re: I'd back up Walmart any day over any Mom/Pop ~
Re: I think you are missing the point
Some corrections
Re: Some corrections
Perhaps you are right
Re: Perhaps you are right
I understand your point
Re: I understand your point

Copyright 2022 David Spragg