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The Chip Board Archive 13

In Response To: ON-LINE GUIDES ()

Thanks, Travis. We have discussed this topic at least once a month for the past 15 years. Our partner, Ernie Wheelden, has worked for computer service companies for many moons and Ernie says that it is near impossible to put a program online that can not be copied for free.

We average about three hours a day adding to the data base for "The Chip Rack" and "The Gaming Table." We make very little on our book sales, when you average the total hours and a split among three partners. I doubt if many of you would put in the time and effort that we have for almost 15 years, for a few thousand dollars profit for each of us, per year.

As to David Spragg's response that we don't know how many are being copied in printing shops, he is correct. We only know of one collector, about 7 years ago in Texas, who was coping TCR and selling it to other collectors at a reduced price. We contacted him and after a nice, polite request that he cease his practice, the individual promised that he would make no more copies.

Of course, everyone has his price. If any of you would consider purchasing all rights to our book or books, please contact us and we will arrange a meeting. You can then continue writing and publishing TCR & TGT and you can make it available online or any mode that you wish.

I can't speak for any other authors, but it is our opinion that James, Steve W., Archie, Howdy, Steve G. and other authors of our fine books, feel much like we do. I also want to say that we appreciate your support and your friendship. We have been doing these books because we enjoy doing it and we thought that there was a need. As my good frend Steve Passalacqua ends all of his messages, "Having Fun!", we too, will stop when we are no longer having fun. grin

Messages In This Thread

On Chip Guides - just a newbies opinion
Well written Keith. I agree completely...
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Re: On Chip Guides - just a newbies opinion
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Re: On Chip Guides - just a newbies opinion
Re: On Chip Guides - My Take
It's A Pain To Carry My Desktop
Re: On Chip Guides - just a newbies opinion
Re: On Chip Guides - just a newbies opinion

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