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The Chip Board Archive 11

GEEZ !!!!!!
In Response To: Rich, can you point me to ... ()

... and more Moslems than ever are being radicalized by our current policies.

That statement is more frightening than the terrorists.

I suppose we should negotiate with them OR just leave them alone and all will be okay? Or better yet, just ask them how we should behave. Even better, maybe we should ask France?

Messages In This Thread

grin NCR • Thursday Humor...
Thats funny but I think Kerry is gonna win !
Re: grin NCR • Thursday Humor...
Re: grin NCR • Thursday Humor...
grin Just for you, Dave...
You must be pro Kerry!!!!!!!
grin As you probably guessed...
So you're pro nobody!!!!
I agree with you about ...
Re: I agree with you about ...
A short political quiz ...
Re: I agree with you about ...
Re: I agree with you about ...
Re: I disagree greatly with Reilly..
Re: I disagree greatly with Reilly..
Get Your Facts Straight
with all due respect ...
Re: with all due respect ...
Re: with all due respect ...
Re: with all due respect ...
George whoever you are ...
Really Dave?
So you agree
Aw geez.....
Bob, I agree that the current problem ...
Re: Bob, I agree that the current problem ...
Rich, can you point me to ...
Re: Rich, can you point me to ...
Rich, what makes you think ...
Re: Rich, what makes you think ...
Re: Rich, can you point me to ...
Re: Rich, can you point me to ...
The reason your flights were full is because......
Re: Rich, can you point me to ...
Re: Rich, can you point me to ...
Re: Rich, can you point me to ...
According to your principles ...
Re: According to your principles ...
Re: According to your principles ...
Re: Rich, can you point me to ...
GEEZ !!!!!!
Re: Bob, I agree that the current problem ...
Re: Bob, I agree that the current problem ...
Re: Bob, I agree that the current problem ...
Michael Moore's world view ...
Re: Michael Moore's world view ...
Pat Buchanan's view of the world ...
The 9-11 Commission Report on ...
Re: Michael Moore's world view ...
Re: Bob, I agree that the current problem ...
Ah, yes --the Nobel Peace prize.
Keep coming Dave
Re: grin NCR • Thursday Humor...
Re: grin NCR • Thursday Humor...
can't you do any better than that ?
Re: grin NCR • Thursday Humor...
enough metals?
G. Gordon Liddy's - point of view grin
Re: G. Gordon Liddy's - point of view grin
Since when did ...
Re: Since when did ...
Can you say 527 group OR maybe spell it ?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg