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The Chip Board Archive 11

I am not surprised

Seems that there are some collectors who are only interested in themselves. I have run many round robins and unfortunately have had the same bad results on occassion. I have not run one in some time because of my bad experience with Vic Galante. As someone who runs a RR, you just hope that you are even at the end of it. You put in your nice chips and are taking the risk that you may not get anything back. I have probably run 15 round robins or so and only two turned out like yours. Most chippers are very nice and leave an extra chip or two for you. But then there are some who are just in it for themselves. They will put their worst junk, that no one else wants, into the RR knowing it will difficult to figure out who did what. Well I was able to figure out what Vic Galante did and confront him to make good. His response ... he no longer has the chips he took so couldn't return them and he didn't have any other chips to make good on. Probably both lies.

Kitty, please send me your address and I'll send you six replacement chips. I feel sorry for you, but mostly I feel sorry that because of a few bad apples, the whole hobby is going to suffer the death of round robins.

Messages In This Thread

Well, my $1 RR arrived home BUT! sad mad
Re: Well, my $1 RR arrived home BUT! sad mad
Re: Well, my $1 RR arrived home BUT! sad mad
Re: Well, my $1 RR arrived home BUT! sad mad
Re: Well, my $1 RR arrived home BUT! sad mad
very bad !
Re: very bad !
Possible Solution for future RRs
Re: Possible Solution for future RRs
Re: Possible Solution for future RRs
Re: Possible Solution for future RRs
I tried that, but
Re: Possible Solution for future RRs
Re: Possible Solution for future RRs
Re: Well, my $1 RR arrived home BUT! sad mad
Question / Possible Solution?
Re: Well, my $1 RR arrived home BUT! sad mad
I am not surprised
Re: A nice gesture Charles...
sad Not nice at all...
possibl;e solution.
Re: sad Not nice at all...
I'm sorry to hear to hear about your latest RR...
My Round Robin Rules
Let me try to help flush them out....
Re: Well, my $1 RR arrived home BUT! sad mad

Copyright 2022 David Spragg