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The Chip Board Archive 04

OK, David, let's use the community ...

... analogy, then.

Our local communities all have elected officials who make rules which apply to everyone, even those who don't like them. Some communities have chosen to prohibit otherwise legal activities. There are many and I'm sure you can name some yourself. Adult bookstores, bars, nude dancing, cigarette sales near schools, using a cell phone while driving, and so on. Land use and zoning rules are routinely used to exclude certain businesses (Mill Valley used them recently to keep Blockbuster out of the city). The list is probably endless.

If enough citizens of the community don't like the rules, they vote out the leaders and elect new ones. Who will then make new rules which at least some of the citizens won't like.

>> Perhaps you view your role if elected President as like the owner of a
>> business, imposing your values on the customers.

The CC>CC president doesn't have the authority or power to impose his values on anyone. The board has the power to make certain rules, which could include a ban of slabbed chips from the convention. If enough members of the board hold a particular view, it can be adopted as club policy and would be imposed on the members (see, e.g., the Code of Ethics; I'm sure not every member agrees with all of them, but they still apply to everyone).

If I vote for a convention ban of slabbed chips and that ban is adopted and enough members don't like it, they'll vote me out of office next time and elect someone who will change the ban. That's the way representative government works.

>> From Greg's poll it is clear some may want to collect slabbed chips.

LET ME SAY IT AGAIN for at least the 5th time. Nothing I have suggested would prevent anyone from collecting slabbed chips. Just not in my house, not on my watch, not if I have anything to say about it.

>> To me it's like collecting ashtrays. They aren't chips, I'm not interested
>> in collecting them, but I'm not in favor of banning them from our convention.

It's not at all like collecting ashtrays. Ashtrays are no threat to the stability of our hobby. Slabbed chips (and tokens, Marv! <g>) are. The average collector WILL be hurt by slabbing, which is primarily for the benefit of speculators, investors and the slabbing companies.

I will not stand idly by and just let this happen. As I have said before, if you vote for me in the upcoming election, do so with the certain knowledge that I will propose and vote for a ban of slabbed chips in club venues. Anyone who disagrees with that position, and feels that the issue is a deal-breaker, should vote for either Nate Pincus or Jim Steffner.

----- jim o\-S

Messages In This Thread

Greg's Poll
Re: Greg's Poll
You are overlooking an important ...
Re: Your analogies don't work...
Re: Your analogies don't work... They do for me.
OK, David, let's use the community ...
I hate politics ...
Re: Candidate David Shron ......
Re: An even better analogy Jim ....
Re: An even better analogy Jim ....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg