The restaurant, sporting goods store, theater chain are all businesses which are not owned by the patrons. The owner can set the rules. Our club is "owned" by the members much like a community. Perhaps you view your role if elected President as like the owner of a business, imposing your values on the customers. From Greg's poll it is clear some may want to collect slabbed chips. To me it's like collecting ashtrays. They aren't chips, I'm not interested in collecting them, but I'm not in favor of banning them from our convention.
It appears from Greg's poll that a majority on the board, like me, don't personally care for slabbed chips. But that same majority isn't prepared to go as far as you in banning them from the convention or auction. It may be a politically astute position for you to take though (I'm not saying you're taking the position for this reason) since the two candidates that are taking more moderate positions may split the vote of the members that would like the club to take a more moderate position and you may get elected by the minority that favors a more extreme position.