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The Chip Board Archive 24

It was NEVER listed in the job description which

is clearly outlined in the club bylaws and has not been changed in many years.

You were told that and refuse to acknowledge the truth. Perpetuating this lie is in my opinion a disgrace.

You went around the convention floor telling dealers that the new room we were going to move into had no carpeting and that is going to suck for them as they will have sore feet from standing on concrete all day.
Not only is that 100% NOT TRUE, but you had no knowledge in order to make those statements.

You can claim that you never said that here on the chipboard but I have NUMEROUS dealers that will testify otherwise.

In my opinion those statements were made to stop dealers from signing up for next years convention and again is disgraceful.

You then went to numerous volunteers to tell them that the BOD it taking away thier meals and even though they feed themselves nicely, they treat the volunteers like crap.

Again, you can tell those who dont know any better that this never happened, but I have been told by numerous volunteers that you in fact did.

The ONLY reason I can think of why you would do this is to discourage volunteers from volunteering again and once again I believe was disgraceful.

However the MOST disgraceful thing in all of this, is that even though you have been caught numerous times spreading false rumor, you have never once apologized.

I have spent a LOT of time defending you Joe over the past 10 years, excusing your actions by telling people you mean well. I can no longer make excuses.

Now you can spin this into the poor Joe show where we are all attacking you and you have done nothing wrong.

Messages In This Thread

My recent aqusition
What jobs have been taken away from the Club VP?
None, Just another untrue statement that Joe wants
Doug why did new release duties
I've Been a Member Now For 18 Years........
It was listed in the job description lets
It was NEVER listed in the job description which
Doug that job was listed. And
Joe, Once again that was NEVER part of the job
No way Doug it was list please don't lie
Very sad Joe. Accepting responsability for your
Doug one more thing
Re: Doug one more thing
Okay, I'll bite...
Re: Okay, I'll bite...
Please elaborate Dennis?
Re: Please elaborate Dennis?
I can't argue with that at all as what you say is
Re: Trump in disguise?
Re: Please elaborate Dennis?
Mr orme. Thank you for your kind words
Re: Joe, Once again that was NEVER part of the job
No when I was running it was there
Doug, with all that Joe has done why is...
Larry, thats a good question as that has come very
Don't worry mr Kopp no more
Joe there are plenty of people who read this board
Re: Joe I like your posts too....
So Joe ... who are you trying to punish?
Re: Don't worry mr Kopp no more
Other people post new issues and pictures, so....
Joe -- no one has any issues with your new release
I agree with Bedo.....
Well Said
Thanks Steve, wish I could have said it myself...
Me Bedo I
Re: My recent aqusition

Copyright 2022 David Spragg