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The Chip Board Archive 17

Actually, I do....

have a trader much like the one that is involved in the experiment.
Both have brown inlays on one side. Both had the glue residue on the other although one had much less glue and cleaned up nicely.

Several years ago before the Western was sold by Jackie I became aware of about 60 or so pink 50 cent Western chips in the cage. I made frequent trips there around 2:00 AM each time asking the nice cage lady to sell the chips to me. Each time she refused. She said that the carry over figures for those chips had been the same for 5 years and the last time she sold any of them she got chewed out by the cage manager because he then had to change the carryover figures. lol
On one of these jaunts to the lovely Western the cage lady told me that she had some chips that I might be interested in.
I waited until she got a break and she showed me a handfull of beat-to-hell-and-back crap including the two Orleans roulettes. I, of course, paid her a few dollars for them even though I didn't want them in the hopes that she might come up with some good stuff.
A day or two before the Western was to change ownership she finally sold me all of the pink 50 cent chips.

In this hobby, often the story behind the chips is more interesting than the chips themselves.

Messages In This Thread

Sun Damage Experiment
Re: Sun Damage Experiment
White Doesn't Fade - It Chaulks
Jeff, Wayne is testing the UV effects on...
Heat and Light will likely have different effects
No arguement here!...
Window and Windshield Glass acts as a filter to UV
Wayne, very interesting, got any...
Actually, I do....
Re: Actually, I do....
This one's mine...
So, what else do you have...
rofl... I was just thinking the same thing!
Just that one chip and a lot of desert dust.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg