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The Chip Board Archive 17

Jeff, Wayne is testing the UV effects on...

the inlay, not the chip. I would suggest the Wayne that there is a difference between leaving a chip out on the porch (exposed to UV rays) and on the dash of a car (also exposed to UV rays).

I believe that the later will be more destructive. Heat and light will be more destructive than light alone.


Messages In This Thread

Sun Damage Experiment
Re: Sun Damage Experiment
White Doesn't Fade - It Chaulks
Jeff, Wayne is testing the UV effects on...
Heat and Light will likely have different effects
No arguement here!...
Window and Windshield Glass acts as a filter to UV
Wayne, very interesting, got any...
Actually, I do....
Re: Actually, I do....
This one's mine...
So, what else do you have...
rofl... I was just thinking the same thing!
Just that one chip and a lot of desert dust.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg