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Re: Computer question-win98
In Response To: Computer question-win98 ()

Start by going to START, PROGRAMS, START-UP and see what's in your start-up folder. Right click on any you don't want and RIGHT-CLICK and SEND to MY DOCUMENTS (it just gets them away to a safe place). To get rid of others, go to the task bar (lower right near the clock) and RIGHT-CLICK on each of them, one by one and look for exit, shut-down, prpoerties or some such thing. Good luck - Fred

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Computer question-win98
Re: Computer question-win98
Re: Computer question-win98
Re: Computer question-win98
Re: Computer question-win98
Re: Computer question-win98
Hey, I Resemble That Remark vbg
Re: Computer question-win98
PETE your the best! Thats what i've been rofl
If you are going to use msconfig go slow
Re: If you are going to use msconfig go slow
Some tips on Start-up Programs & msconfig

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