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The Chip Board Archive 05

Re: Airlines..How About..
In Response To: Re: Airlines..How About.. ()

Were all airlines running an inefficient business model? . . . probably not, however the industry as a whole was. I'm not talking about penalizing airlines here, but before the government goes pumping money into them to bail them out, one should consider exactly who and what you are bailing out and why the government should interfere with the marketplace.

Many of these airlines were failing before.

Experts were predicting that this years losses in the airline industry would be between $2 - $3 BILLION (that was before the attacks).

Here's a report of losses from AMR reported on 9/7

One thing people seem to forget is that the government can't pump money into the airlines without taking the money from someplace else.

The entire economy is hurting now, and those who are paying the tab for the airline bailout are suffering themselves.

Do you really believe that without government subsidy we will have no air transit?

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Re: Airlines
Re: Airlines..How About..
Re: Airlines..How About..
Re: Airlines..How About..
Re: Airlines..How About..
Re: Airlines..How About..
Re: Airlines..How About..
Re: Airlines..How About..
Re: Airlines..How About..

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