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The Chip Board Archive 01

Sky Ute

I've been told by a Colorado collector that the Sky Ute, after selling new chip sets for more than double face value at $65.00 per set, had a supply of extra
new $1.00 chips not used in the sets. They refused to sell any of those $1's
to this same collector, but sold all the $1's to employees, who in turn are now asking $25. per chip. He told me that he offered a couple of employees up
to $10. for one of the chips, but was told that $25. was a firm price.
Oh, how crazy some things have become in our world of chip collecting.
Don A.

Messages In This Thread

Sky Ute
Re: Sky Ute
Re: Sky Ute -- JUST SAY NO!
Re: Sky Ute -- JUST SAY NO!
Re: Sky Ute -- JUST SAY NO!

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