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The Chip Board Archive 01

Re: Warpped Chips
In Response To: Re: Warpped Chips ()

I would never give you BS that it is a dry heat. IT'S HOT!!!! I have no suggestions how to stay cool - I do have suggestions on how to stay alive<VBG>. When the sun goes down the desert cools off and it is at least bearable to go out(maybe cools down to 103, etc.). Do not go out during the day unless absolutely necessary. The worst time to go out is between 1:00 and 4:00p.m.
Many locals wear long sleeves and an undershirt. It absorbs moisture and cools you as you walk. I don't follow this one - but wear something on your head.
No joke!! People drop dead if exposed to the heat for too long. What's too long??? I don't know. It varies with the individual.
You laugh at my fatigue jacket. However, because of its pockets I can carry many items I might need in case of an emergency. One of the many reasons why I wear it.
Eat plenty of salt on your food while you are here. Forget the BS about blood pressure. It just isn't so. What does a rancher put out for his cattle - yup, a salt stick!!! The salt in your system will help you retain fluid and might save your life.
I do not recommend driving long distances on roads that are not traveled, you know shotcuts to the casino. If you feel you must go - go with a group of three or more.
Chips kept on your person close to your body will not warp. As strange as it sounds the heat of your body keeps the chips cool. Invest in one of those "waist bags" you see the dealers wear. Put your chips you pick up in there. If walking in the sun - reverse the bag to hang from your back and not in the front where the sun is hitting you. You can also keep your cigs, etc. in there as well as anything else. Try not to smoke while outside - this raises your body temp and not smart to do in very hot weather.
Last but not least - DRINK, DRINK, and DRINK somemore. Water not alcohol. Never drink alcohol if your planning to go out in the heat. It will magnify its affect. Hope to see you soon! Best, Jim

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Re: Warpped Chips

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