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The Chip Board Archive 01

Re: The $34.00 James Bond set
In Response To: Re: The $34.00 James Bond set ()

One additional thought on this thread concerning the fantasy chips and potential fraud. If almost everyone is in agreement that these chips can and have been sold as real chips and that collectors could be hurt by this action then why not attack the source of this problem instead of the resellers. Don't misunderstand, I am not supporting what the resellers are doing just trying to find a way to end this thread and the disagreements that have been going on.

If there is agreement on this then why doesn't the CLUB officially request that Paulson stop making chips that can be misrepresented as coming from a real casino. That is not to say that they must stop making all non-casino chips just make certain that there is no question about their purpose (such as the "copy" notice put on fake coins). I don't know if this is practical or not but it seems like Paulson is the only manufacturer that is making these chips. There must be a reason that the others don't do it. I belive that Paulson would want to keep their good name in the chip collecting community. Remember that they have a lot to lose if we stop collecting their chips.

Messages In This Thread

The $34.00 James Bond set
Re: The $34.00 James Bond set
Re: The $34.00 James Bond set
Re: The $34.00 James Bond set
Re: The $34.00 James Bond set
Re: The $34.00 James Bond set
Re: The $34.00 James Bond set
Re: The $34.00 James Bond set
Re: The $34.00 James Bond set
Re: The $34.00 James Bond set
Re: The $34.00 James Bond set
Re: The $34.00 CHIPCO & BUD JONES

Copyright 2022 David Spragg