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Response to Barry Sherwood Post

Hi Barry

Thanks for your questions.

My thoughts in designing that front page were to make it much more visual and easy to go directly to the desired location. I wanted to keep it simple and at the same time make it more visually attractive and quickly show what our Club was all about at first glance.

The stock ticker and gaming news feeds are apps that can be installed. If there were none available I would ask if any of our Club members have the skill set to design something based on the many stock exchanges and news feeds

Regarding your statements as to the division of the current forums, I believe it would be more accessible to have them on the same page in front of you and not have to navigate around the website.

The Club's policy of not allowing sales is dated. We are allowed to have a buy-and-sell site as long as we have a disclaimer stating that we do not receive any commission on the sales and that the site is only for information and that all transactions are between the buyer and seller. The law that we were not allowed to do so was dispelled by Rick Timmons and Eric Rosenblum. The Club policy should be amended to bring members and the public to our site. By not acting upon this knowledge we let other Casino Chip sites pop up and essentially lost our prominence in being the Premier Casino Collectible Club

There were many obstacles to overcome. Covid caused a lack of participation and some logistics in the delivery system.

I do have a suggestion which may help attract more participation on the Club website. How about awarding points as the airlines do? Give points for any activity that is performed on the Club website.

For instance:
Posting a comment/Reply 1 point
Sing up a new member on the Website 5 points
Volunteering on the Website 10 points

I'm sure there would be more award points that can be thought of.

There are many changes needed and I am sure you are very capable of addressing those concerns

Thank you all for taking the time to read my post

Jerry Vergatos LM-8093-241
Candidate for CCA V-P

Messages In This Thread

Campaign Statement #8 Jerry Vergatos
Re: Campaign Statement #8 Jerry Vergatos
Response to Barry Sherwood Post

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