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Thanks for the leadership Doug - background

Doug, thanks for the leadership on this project!

For just a little background on how this came about...

Doug and I meet for lunch about once a week (burgers, Greek or Vietnamese??) and no matter what else we have going on, it seems the club is the major topic of discussion. One day he mentioned, "Maybe we should put together a group of people to see if we can't coordinate volunteers to make some upgrades to the club."

Then reality set in on how much time that might take, and neither of us had an abundance of it to give. So, I thought that was the end of it. Well, enter a good bottle of bourbon one evening and suddenly I see an email from Doug asking for volunteers for this new committee. Before he could sober up, there was already a group signed on.

What proceeded next was Zoom meeting after Zoom meeting, most more than two hours, brainstorming and putting together a plan of action. Doug coordinated throughout with the current CCA Board who enthusiastically backed both the efforts and the ideas and are now working with us in getting the ideas put into action.

We are just now in the "let's get her done" stage of some suggestions, and there are much larger ones which will take alot of time.

WHAT WE WILL NEED is people to help out. If you have a skill which could be helpful to a particular task, please answer the future calls for volunteers. We are hoping to be very specific on what we are needing and the time it will take.

Again, thanks to Doug for stepping up and leading this effort. He is an incredible asset to this organization.

Messages In This Thread

Extra! - Exciting News from our Committee
I forgot to mention that Barry Sherwood was also
Re: Extra! - Exciting News from our Committee
Re: Extra! - Exciting News from our Committee
Re: Extra! - Exciting News from our Committee
New ideas...and people to execute them
Re: New ideas...and people to execute them
That sounds awesome! Seems very promising and
Wow! This is exciting. Thank you all for your hard
Great Job...
Thanks for the leadership Doug - background
Thanks Ed !!! Normally I tend to make very poor

Copyright 2022 David Spragg