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I wish there was a way we could attract 20% of the total subs above our membership who are interested in our online newsletter. The last boast I read here was a count of 2000. What's our membership count?

PCF has a count of 10,000+ of which many of them display their sets... Why didn't the CCA take my advice and invite several of them to exhibit their sets so we could listen to the cutting and stakcing sound and see the suction along with even the smell, in something they love so much doing in pictures...?

There is an estimat3d field of between 7000 and 10000 gambling chip collectors and, if we wanted to add in the metallic collectors (who are mostly numistmatists), that number can easilly be 30000, and then there are all those organized gambling collectibles groups such as coin ops, playing cards, old west saloon, dice (unlimited numbers), put and take, and the list goes on and on ALL UNDEE THE SAME BLANKET OF GAMBLING.. and that isn't even counting the croups at Gaming Floor site from all over the world....

Do we know why we do not go after all those people.... yet deal with them left and right for over 25+ years...?

Do we know why we only exhibit in a few properties in Las Vegas and in no other gaming jurisdiction in the USA...?

Do we know why we are not having a club table in August at the ANA where CCA members set up and exhibit? Cost too much, I bet. Like 5- bucks a head once twiee or maybe three times per year to cover costs.

Do we know why we do not do the FUN convention, Collectarama, the bottle show in Laa Vegas...? Maybe because another 5-bucks per member to cover costs?
Our numbers are way less than what we were in our hayday.

We have been around for 35 years only because some broke their backs in trying to keep us together while others did nothing and James hogg has the balls to say Cutler does nothing and Charles pulls a cheap shot at those who ask questions and we should stand tall to that...?

What I predicted here years ago when Fred Lamb asked the question about our future is unfolding right under our nose and they did it big a couple weeks ago in bringing their numn3rs within sight of what our numbers were when I joined 33 years ago and they proved that there is no stopping in doing it right and more power to them.

The hobby used to be a part of our club and now our club is a small part of that aame exact hobby and all anyone needs to do to see the numbers in black and white they read Jay Sands' report down the index...

Some of us have been reading those numbers for years and I canntell you one thing right now, not a one of them thinks things will even return to 25% of what we were...

Again, read Jay's numbers and ask yourself if we stay on that same path and continue to drop, will we be able to have a convention at that point?

Not a fun picture...

There should not be a day that passes where we are not looking for a remedy by asking question after question without having to be called TROUBLE MAKERS or be reminded "WTF WERE YOU IN THE ONE FREAKING MEETING WE HAVE ONCE A FREAKING YEAR?"


Messages In This Thread

Re: Questions
Re: Questions
Who does someone turn to in a situation ~~~
Re: Who does someone turn to in a situation ~~~
Re: Who does someone turn to in a situation ~~~
Re: Who does someone turn to in a situation ~~~
Re: Who does someone turn to in a situation ~~~
Re: NUMBERS.......
So a serious question to this...
Re: So a serious question to this...
I volunteer to help.....
Re: I volunteer to help.....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg