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Supposedly Opossums came from Virginia.

But they're the kind of animal that nobody wants to claim! A California tale has it: there were no possums on the West Coast until someone harboring a grudge shipped out a rail car full of stuff (some say fruit, some say just garments or whatnot) to California. He included a few possums, hoping they would breed like rabbits - and they did.

The County of Santa Clara has nothing nice to say about them: In turn, I don't have much nice to say about Santa Clara either. I sometimes walk down the hill from my San Benito campsite to cover the County with my urine. So there!

A more honest story from KCET:
Now that you've read it, please donate to KCET.

In any event, you have your GPI. Gaming Partner International!

Messages In This Thread

How was this used in the game...?
Re: How was this used in the game...?
It's part of this set. I don't see it in Seymour's
John - It is a Whist Marker - see them on EBAY !!
Never noticed them in a boxed set, especially MOP.
Re: John - It is a Whist Marker - see them on EBAY
This is Bizique
Two of the curator's monogrammed ~~~
Looks like a Possum Box!
We have the Kenya type Opossum in FL.
Supposedly Opossums came from Virginia.
I contacted the Whist Markers Museum ~~~
This is my example
Nice. Still trying to find this manufacturer logo.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg