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The Chip Board Archive 23

Another method of testing for re-order...

for Paulson chips, while NOT fool-proof, is to check for UV tagging. UV tagging on the inlay, to my knowledge, does not change for a single batch of inlays. Changes that have been known to happen between re-orders is a UV tag that gets larger, or the position of the UV tag is rotated.

Again, this is not fool-proof, but if there are UV tags present and they are different, chances are a re-order was done.

Also, the UV tag for Paulson is their trademark hat and cane. I am familiar with 3 different sizes, but only see the large size lately. That large size also changes orientation, between re-orders (typically).


Messages In This Thread

Saddle West, Pahrump 25c
Re: Saddle West, Pahrump 25c
Mine is not semi-sweet
Hope TCR picks up on this variety
Another method of testing for re-order...
Can we see them side-by-side...
Chip is maroon.
You're a maroon
rofl rofl rofl LMAO!! rofl rofl rofl
UV marking
Thanks, Lyle, but...
That works for me, thanks!
What color is it, really...
I wouldn't call it maroon, EVER! grin
Re: dusty brown?? grin
ColorSilk by Revlon - "Ash Brown" #41 grin
Re: What color is it, really...
Re: Brown Chip Scan
Re: Saddle West, Pahrump 25c
Re: Saddle West, Pahrump 25c
The chip slug is dark brown and the text on inlay
Here's mine - definately a dark charcoal

Copyright 2022 David Spragg