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The Chip Board Archive 23

Re: WHAT? Cashless Casino? Yes.....

The current owner and operator of the "cashless casino" is hoping that the government will let them pay cash like every other casino.

You are right there will be no incentive to go back - they will most likely attract "first timer only".

If I have the chance to go I will probably just get their casino chips and other collectibles - and get out.

The big hotels are hoping against hope that some day the young turks in the government will see the pros and cons of the fullfledged casino. Many foreign investors are already positioning in that area for the "eventuality".

Messages In This Thread

WHAT? Cashless Casino? Yes.....
Re: WHAT? Cashless Casino? Yes.....
Re: WHAT? Cashless Casino? Yes.....
Re: WHAT? Cashless Casino? Yes.....
Re: WHAT? Cashless Casino? Yes.....
Re: WHAT? Cashless Casino? Yes.....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg