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The Chip Board Archive 23

Re: a PERFECT pictorial on why we need new members


I understand your observation from the pictures & while I've only been able to make one convention I too would also draw the same conclusion, however I am curious if our Membership Officer can give us a median age of members. I am curious how this age would compare to the pictures of individuals who may have more seniority at work to take vacation when they want, be retired, have more disposable income, etc.

I see new members listed all the time & am not against change, at all, however are our numbers decreasing? I know several collectors who are very casual & if they didn't know me, they wouldn't know a club like this even existed.

Google AdWords indicates monthly there are X searches with a competition level of Y:
49,500 for 'casino chips' - Low
450,000 for 'poker chips' - High
22,000 for 'gaming chips' - Low

I would suggest the club consider some advertising, because we have the best mouse trap-- just nobody knows ('cept us).

Something like Google's AdWords would allow the club to set a spending limit of X (minimum is $10) where the club can set how & when we are charged.

Cost-per-click: Club is charged only when someone actually clicks on our ad
Cost-per-acquisition: This one is a bit tricky, but basically the club only pays for people who follow the ad & then become members...this one sounds good, but can go either way.
Enhanced cot-per-click: A feature I don't see us needing since we are the Alpha Club for what we do.

There is a host of support & ways to track how well an ad does & I would suggest we would then create a specific page on our site for people who follow an ad. A tasteful introduction to who we are, what we are about & what we can offer a member-- trial or not.

Our home page is great for members, however it isn't targeted towards being warm & inviting to prospective individuals.

Respectfully submitted,

K. David Marple

Messages In This Thread

So who was at the Super Bowl show?
Awesome! thanks for the PICs Ralph! grin
Re: Thanks for names with the pictures! grin
Great Photos Ralph!!
Walt D was next to Ross.
a PERFECT pictorial on why we need new members grin
I think the idea is a good one.
Re: a PERFECT pictorial on why we need new members
Re: a PERFECT pictorial on why we need new members
Excellent questions.
A suggestion for posts on this subject
I would suggest a change
Yes, I do Have a change
That is a MAJOR change ....
Re: That is a MAJOR change ....
Re: That is a MAJOR change ....
What would a "trial" member get?
Why would the benefits be different than for an
Hi Michael, Thanks 4 the comments, I want the BEST
Well, I now understand why you would be against
The magazine is the difference
Between Full and Assoc, the mag is the difference
Re: a PERFECT pictorial on why we need new members

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