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The Chip Board Archive 23

Why would the benefits be different than for an

Associate Member under Steve's new definition? I suggested the new category simply because someone posted that they thought the amount was too little and someone else wrote that it should be limited in time. I personally have no pony in this race. I saw no reason to change the rules for the existing Associate Members, so I suggested a new category. Remember, these would be people who don't have to live with the club member, nor be all that close to them, actually. So, what benefits do those Associate Members get? I don't know. Ask Steve, it's his idea. vbg

I think this is a good train of thought for the club and the hobby. I don't think, however, the final version has to be exactly what the original version was, if there are concerns about the original proposal. I know the board has the best interests of the hobby and club in mind. I really wasn't intending to question anyone.

Michael Siskin

Messages In This Thread

So who was at the Super Bowl show?
Awesome! thanks for the PICs Ralph! grin
Re: Thanks for names with the pictures! grin
Great Photos Ralph!!
Walt D was next to Ross.
a PERFECT pictorial on why we need new members grin
I think the idea is a good one.
Re: a PERFECT pictorial on why we need new members
Re: a PERFECT pictorial on why we need new members
Excellent questions.
A suggestion for posts on this subject
I would suggest a change
Yes, I do Have a change
That is a MAJOR change ....
Re: That is a MAJOR change ....
Re: That is a MAJOR change ....
What would a "trial" member get?
Why would the benefits be different than for an
Hi Michael, Thanks 4 the comments, I want the BEST
Well, I now understand why you would be against
The magazine is the difference
Between Full and Assoc, the mag is the difference
Re: a PERFECT pictorial on why we need new members

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