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The Chip Board Archive 21

Hey Jim, I have a dumb question

On the Ocean's 11 DVD I thought James Campiglia provided scans of the chips that were used by the casinos at that time. They were used as the selection buttons for the various sections......I could be wrong (which I've been many times before....ask my wife) vbg.

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Looking for Consensus; Ocean's 11 - Sahara...
Green small key
Here are some 1950s
Awesome Chips!
Some beauties there! A future...
Re: Some beauties there! A future...
Re: Looking for Consensus; Ocean's 11 - Sahara...
Well feel free to ship 'em! vbg
According to
Hey Jim, I have a dumb question
I'm not sure, but now I will...
Bob, you are correct. My 'format' did not take...
Re: Bob, you are correct. My 'format' did not take

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