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The Chip Board Archive 21

vbg Do we really need to date coins? vbg

Sounds so silly... Like who looks at their dimes or quarters, anyway; and wouldn't it cost a lot less to simply eliminate the date on our coinage...? vbg If not, perhaps we should start dating chips and see what happens to our hobby...???? vbg

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vbg Do we really need to date coins? vbg
Re: vbg Do we really need to date coins? vbg
Re: vbg Do we really need to date coins? vbg
Re: vbg Do we really need to date coins? vbg
Re: vbg Do we really need to date coins? vbg
Re: vbg Do we really need to date coins? vbg
Now that's the kind of response I was looking for.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg