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The Chip Board Archive 21

[TAX] Not bad compared to other countries. grin
In Response To: NCR-Article From Orlando Paper ()

I saw no mention of VAT.

I once stopped in a park in Rome to sit on a bench and had to pay a tax right there and then for the use of the bench.

If I remember correctly; I think there also was a tax due for the use of the lift in public buildings...

Messages In This Thread

NCR-Article From Orlando Paper
Excellent Post, Fred and I Agree
Re: Rerun
I have a quote for this. vbg
Re: NCR-Article From Orlando Paper
We've had it for 7 years.
[TAX] Not bad compared to other countries. grin
John, Soon a Sex Tax It's comming!!
You'll just have to get a second job, Fread. vbg
"They'll put a meter on your bed...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg