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The Chip Board Archive 21

Re: Rerun

One defination of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. About 40 years ago the cry went up, "throw all those no-good politicans out and start over. And the same call still goes out today. It would seem that for every person that trys to change the system there are four who are trying to just survive, six who just want more stuff from the government and ten who are trying to get their fantasy football team ready for the upcomming season. I wish I had an answer other then starting over. Maybe if we could clone Washington, Jefferson and that bunch we could have a new revolution of ideas that could but this still great country back on course.

Messages In This Thread

NCR-Article From Orlando Paper
Excellent Post, Fred and I Agree
Re: Rerun
I have a quote for this. vbg
Re: NCR-Article From Orlando Paper
We've had it for 7 years.
[TAX] Not bad compared to other countries. grin
John, Soon a Sex Tax It's comming!!
You'll just have to get a second job, Fread. vbg
"They'll put a meter on your bed...

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