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The Chip Board Archive 20

Re: Michael, I could be wrong, but your detail...

I believe it is recessed. It feels that way as well as looks that way. In fact, I'm not sure what chips I have, if any, are actually linen. I was lumping the two together, much like you say the TCR does. You got me! vbg

I am no expert on these things, but was just trying to give a comparison to show how satin differs. I was never quite sure how linen and recessed differed. I guess I learned something new, too. Do you have any scans to show linen v. recessed that are not quite so magnified as the chips Greg used? Do you know of any chip that had both linen and recessed versions? You see, now you got me wondering. grin

Michael Siskin

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Educate me please
One good way...
Michael, I could be wrong, but your detail...
Re: Michael, I could be wrong, but your detail...
At work I have no resources. I'll see what I...
Jeff, this was drafted while Michael posted his...
Re: Educate me please
Another Chipco finish
BTW - I have these available... for sale

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