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The Chip Board Archive 18

Thanks All for the input

Here is the sellers response, she looks pretty new to the Ebay thing and really doesn't have a clue but I think discretion (hope I spelled that right) is the better part of valor if that fits. I will give a new seller the benefit of doubt but keep an eye out on future transactions. Here is her response and ebay id.

Hi, Russell Bailey, I can certainly understand your frustration. Perhaps there should be a new separate category added to Ebay's template to include U.S. terrorities such as Guam. The selection I have been using on my invoices is U.S. only, and that includes only the 50 states of the U.S. I have chosen to do so, because as a relatively new seller, I wanted to keep things simple for myself at the current time. I simply do not have the time to check everything out right now, as I am overwhelmed with family responsibilties and family illnesses. If eBay could expand the template and provide info to the eBay community here in the states, there may be a mutual benefit to both parties. Maybe there is already a choice like that, I'm not sure; I haven't looked into it. I don’t know everything, but I’m doing the best I can given my present circumstances. I am not a professional seller; I'm cleaning out house and selling off my husband's casino chip collection, and my own items mostly, and a couple things from my sister.

- bubbleabc

Hey Mississippi the car was my joke to the Hot Rod of the day post a few days earlier. I just forgot that it stayed via cookies on the image url, LOL.

Messages In This Thread

I Have an ebay question on feedback
Re: I Have an ebay question on feedback
Re: I Have an ebay question on feedback
Agree with Dave 100%
Re: I Have an ebay question on feedback
Don't waste your time with bad sellers
How about this one...not nearly as bad
Re: How about this one...not nearly as bad
Are you suggesting I leave negative feedback?
Re: Are you suggesting I leave negative feedback?
Maybe you should tell us who this seller was...
Good point Cale ...
Thanks All for the input
OK, now let's talk about....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg