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The Chip Board Archive 18

Are you a "George" or a "stiff" ??
In Response To: Thoughts on tipping the dealer ()

Talking from 15 years experience as a dealer of all casino games, the reality is tipping is a reflection of your personality. No dealer should ever expect a tip from anyone. And I have never met a dealer who always hopes the house wins. But I have seen dealers run hot or cold just like gamblers. If you are a "George" (good tipper), you will always have a better experience gambling. Dealers will stay with you if you are winning, sometimes skipping breaks or not rotating with another table or position. If you are a "stiff" (never tips), then you will generally create a hostile environment where believe it or not you might end up with the hottest dealer for the house. Now to confuse the issue even more, It usually isn't the amount of tip (unless change is given) that counts , but the pleasentness of the player. I can gaurantee if you ever walk by a "hot" blackjack or craps table you will see the dealers making tips. One way to keep the dealer on your side is to play their tips and anounce it to the other players. Even if it is only a buck, the fact that other players will start betting for them also creates a win win environment. If this sounds a little superstitious, it is. I have only witnessed one jerk player who everyone wanted to loose win in 15 years. On the other hand, I have seen 1 or 2hr hot rolls on craps or streaks in 21 where the dealers have bets involved in the game or are getting tipped along the way in every instance. I actually refused to believe this positive power for years being a numbers guy, but after seeing it over and over again it made a believer out of me. Obviously winning creates a postive and loosing creates a negative attitude, but not tipping will send you down the negative road. So....there isn't any clear cut rules on tipping amounts etc., but just remember it gennerally is a reflection of your personality. Nice guys treat people nice and bad guys.....well you know!

Now here's a true story of a nice guy who you could classify a stupid.
My wife Janice was a rookie dealer back in 1992. She was being overlooked by a rookie floorman. I would almost always sign up on the EO (early out) list as a dealer. While I was putting my name down on the list in the main pit, I noticed a player come up to my wife's game to the right of me. She was on a lower limit 21 game of $5-$2000. I was on break and because there was a chance we could go home early I watched form the pit stand. This player only had $1000 chips and he looked about 25years old. He proceeded to bet $1000 in the circle for himself and $1000 on the edge for my wife. This is allowed because the limit was $2000. He won the hand. Janice took her $2000 said thank you and put it behind the paddle. He took his $1000 win and slid it forward to bet for the dealer again leaving him with no winnings. He won again! So Janice again took the $2000 said thank you and put it behind the paddle (where the tips went at that time). He again slid his winnings forward to bet for the dealer. He won a third time, but told her to let it ride this time. Mind you this was all in front of a new pit boss. This ment he had $2000 bet for himself and $2000 bet for my wife. She proceeded to deal. I was in no position to tell her about the limit violation. On a $2000 limit game the player is only allowed to bet up to $2000 including the toke (tip) bet. The only variation is if he bets maxiumum for himself he is allowed to bet 10% more for the dealer. Of course he won again! This time she took the $4000 tip and politely said thank you. Now this is now a major violation which would never have been resolved in any positive manner, given the floorman watched the whole thing also. Just then the phone rang at the pit heart sunk. I though it was the eye in the sky catching the mistake. In stead it was another pit boss sending two dealers over to push my wife and I out so we could go home early. I proceeded to help her drop the money, which was $10,000 by that time (must have won another hand!!) in our toke box. We went home and it was never mentioned again until now!!
The dealers split tips by shift at that time, so the next day everyone had a pleasent surprise. I guess stupid dosn't quite describe it, maybe just overly generous......Doug

Messages In This Thread

Thoughts on tipping the dealer
Re: Thoughts on tipping the dealer
I've always gone with the usual ...
Re: I've always gone with the usual ...
Re: I've always gone with the usual ...
the last time i was in vegas (jan.)
A polite request to let you give a hand signal...
It Depends
Re: I've always gone with the usual ...
Re: Thoughts on tipping the dealer
Are you a "George" or a "stiff" ??
Re: Are you a "George" or a "stiff" ??
Re: Are you a "George" or a "stiff" ??
More dealer slang....
Re: Are you a "George" or a "stiff" ??

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