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Thoughts on tipping the dealer

From the San Jose Mercury News:

Miss Manners: Should a losing gambler still tip the dealer?

By Judith Martin

Article Launched: 03/23/2008 01:33:15 AM PDT

DEAR MISS MANNERS: As a veteran Las Vegas blackjack dealer, I've been involved in a heated discussion with my colleagues concerning the tipping practices of losing gamblers. Casino tipping is always a hot topic because it's how we make most of our living.
It is not, however, the same as tipping a food server or a valet, where gratuities are usually offered for services rendered. Quite often, at gaming tables, large amounts of money hang in the balance and can be lost in the blink of an eye, seriously affecting the financial well-being of an individual or a family.

Many of my co-workers expect to be tipped even by losing players because they say it has everything to do with etiquette and good manners. I say this is a ludicrous expectation on the part of the truly selfish.

Unfortunately, in the world of casino gaming, there's no rhyme or reason to the tipping practices of many players. I've been tipped by people who have lost, and I've been stiffed by people who have won.

I would never expect a gratuity from a losing player, and those dealers who do should seek employment in a different profession. I say the expectations of etiquette and good manners should have acceptable limitations. What say you?

GENTLE READER: Certainly not that only the fortunate should practice good manners. But also that your colleagues have unrealistic expectations.

It is true that polite people tip routinely, knowing that those who perform certain services do not get their full wages from their employers. But, as you point out, the service you perform is not quite like that of a food server.

But you and your colleagues don't just deal the cards. You represent the house, which is, in effect, the gamblers' opponent. And although you personally have not acquired the money that was lost, it may be difficult for the gambler to make that distinction.

Besides, he feels fresh out of money. Miss Manners agrees that you are wise not to expect more.

Pretty much echos my feelings on the subject. Although, sometimes a bet for the dealer at the right time will get some added cooperation [g].

Messages In This Thread

Thoughts on tipping the dealer
Re: Thoughts on tipping the dealer
I've always gone with the usual ...
Re: I've always gone with the usual ...
Re: I've always gone with the usual ...
the last time i was in vegas (jan.)
A polite request to let you give a hand signal...
It Depends
Re: I've always gone with the usual ...
Re: Thoughts on tipping the dealer
Are you a "George" or a "stiff" ??
Re: Are you a "George" or a "stiff" ??
Re: Are you a "George" or a "stiff" ??
More dealer slang....
Re: Are you a "George" or a "stiff" ??

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