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The Chip Board Archive 17

Re: The message is ....
In Response To: The message is .... ()

Charles - I think you are making a good decision. If someone is dishonest, at least they won't be able to use your site to lure additional victims.

As others have mentioned, keeping a public list of bad traders can be problematic. However, while defendaning against a libel action can be costly, filing one is nearly impossible because lawyers know those cases are expensive losers, so they require the fees to be paid - no contingent fees (no "I get paid only if you win" arrangements).

I don't know why the holidays bring out so many bad debts, but even my eBay sales - which went a couple thousand transactions this year without a problem, got hit with 4 no-pays in the past month, and I have a couple more that are on the cusp.

Even if we can't send them to debtors' prison, we can at least take steps to protect our fellow traders

Messages In This Thread

Banned List
I would suggest that ...
I Agree
Not my site ... it's Kaplan's ... grin
Libel Concerns
Add Trimble & Spragg --- they're pains in the a$$!
rofl rofl rofl rofl
I smell a lawsuit grin
Try soap.
vbg vbg
What's the message here?
The message is ....
Re: The message is ....
Re: Banned List
Don, I agree with you
Let me be clear...
You are Welcome
...and this one time, at Banned Camp

Copyright 2022 David Spragg