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The Chip Board Archive 17

"believe it" David
In Response To: "so what is your point?" ()

You pondered the following; "I find it real hard to believe they would bother having a purpose made backup rack of $1's which cost way more than $1 each to produce." ... David Spragg

Well I guess that you'll have to believe it harder David. $1 backup chips ("secondary colors") were required by NJ law.

Here are the NJ regulations:

19:46-1.1A Value chips; denominations; physical characteristics

(a) Each gaming chip which contains a denomination on each face thereof shall be known as a "value chip."

(b) Each casino licensee shall be authorized to issue and use value chips in denominations of $1.00, $2.50, $5.00, $10.00, $20.00, $25.00, $100.00, $500.00, $1,000, $5,000 and $20,000 and in such quantities as the casino licensee may deem appropriate to conduct gaming or simulcast wagering in its casino or casino simulcasting facility.

(c) Each denomination of value chip issued by a casino licensee shall contain a predominant color unique to that denomination to be known as the "primary color." A "secondary color" on a value chip is any color, other than that chip's primary color, that the Commission authorizes a casino licensee to include on the face or edge of the chip as a contrast to the chip's primary color, except that no primary color shall be used as a secondary color on a value chip of another denomination where such use on the edge is reasonably likely to cause confusion as to the chip's denomination when the edge alone is visible.

(d) Each gaming chip manufacturer shall submit sample color disks to the Commission that identify all primary and secondary colors to be used for the manufacture of gaming chips for casino licensees in Atlantic City. Once a gaming chip manufacturer has received approval for a primary or secondary color, those colors shall be consistently manufactured in accordance with the approved samples. In order for a primary color to be approved for use, it must visually appear, when viewed either in daylight or under incandescent light, to comply with the colors set forth below or such other similar colors as approved by the Commission:

Messages In This Thread

Never saw the black one before! grin
Could it be a mule?
Could it be a backup chip?
Re: Could it be a backup chip?
Re: Could it be a backup chip?
Not only $1 backup chips ...
How do you know that it is a back up chip
From several sources David ...
This is the $5 backup chip from Hi-Ho
"so what is your point?"
"believe it" David
This is the primary color $1 chip
Thanks for that info.
Here is a link for you David ...
I don't believe this regulation addresses back-up
Don; All I know is what I'm told by ...
Not a fake.... I have one as well....
Back up $2.50 from Trump Castle ...
Here is another example of a $1 A.C. backup chip
This is the $1 chip that the backup replaced.
Could it be a Training School Chip?
Not a Fake

Copyright 2022 David Spragg