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The Chip Board Archive 17

"so what is your point?"

I will try and make it simple grin

Claridge's opened in 1981.
Per Bud Jones, the green lettered chip was not manufactured until 1987.

What $1 chip was in use from 1981 to 1987??

I wonder if the brown chip was once in play and then it reverted to the back up when the new ones were delivered.
I find it real hard to believe they would bother having a purpose made backup rack of $1's which cost way more than $1 each to produce.

Messages In This Thread

Never saw the black one before! grin
Could it be a mule?
Could it be a backup chip?
Re: Could it be a backup chip?
Re: Could it be a backup chip?
Not only $1 backup chips ...
How do you know that it is a back up chip
From several sources David ...
This is the $5 backup chip from Hi-Ho
"so what is your point?"
"believe it" David
This is the primary color $1 chip
Thanks for that info.
Here is a link for you David ...
I don't believe this regulation addresses back-up
Don; All I know is what I'm told by ...
Not a fake.... I have one as well....
Back up $2.50 from Trump Castle ...
Here is another example of a $1 A.C. backup chip
This is the $1 chip that the backup replaced.
Could it be a Training School Chip?
Not a Fake

Copyright 2022 David Spragg