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The Chip Board Archive 16

Gratuitous Pics...Chips and Stuff...Reno

I've got this folder on my Desktop called "Images". I put together scans that I think might add interest to some probable idiot post I'll make in the future and save the images in, well, "Images". Sheesh, I've got 303 items layin' around in there, doing nothing, depleting the ozone and such. Guess I'll yard 'em out and parade them around for you and me.

Bunch of stuff relating to the Riverside in Reno. Hey, here's a matchbook!

Mert Wertheimer. Haven't gotten around to doing much research on the fellow but he and his bros, Joe and Ed seem to have been active in gaming in the west late '40's onward. Don't know if they were exactly wiseguys but Bugsy stopped by to see them when he was selling the virtues of the wire service the Boys from back east were "offering".
Lots of deals went down over there at the Riverside and lots of politicians got their orders and lots of rich fish were invited up to the rooms for private games. The casino was a good place to watch Harold Smith go on a toot and drop 10 or 11 grand on the craps tables. Remember, you couldn't find craps at Harolds Club, only dice. grin

This Jessie Beck card is postmarked 1972, soon after she bought the casino. Pick Hobson took over the gaming in '78. The thing about postcards is that even the used ones can be interesting if you like snooping into the messages on the back. The Jessie card has a long boring narrative from some greedy harpie about being screwed on some deal involving "corers", perhaps the result of doing business with a bad apple? The most plaintive message on the back of one of my postcards was this from a 1958 card:

Hello Mother, This will give you a good idea what this town is like. It would be more fun if I wasn't alone. Earle
At least Earle has his own TV show now... or he could be dead, that's something to consider.

Anyway, here's some more piggies feeding at the trough there in the "Images" folder. Thanks for hanging in there through this post. Warning: I've noticed plenty of pics relating to Ely and also Bank Club, hmmm.

Messages In This Thread

Gratuitous Pics...Chips and Stuff...Reno
Re: Gratuitous Pics...Chips and Stuff...Reno
Re: Gratuitous Pics...Chips and Stuff...Reno
Re: Speaking of Mert Wertheimer...
Nice Pieces, Charles!
Re: More on Mert...
Re: here's a link to the article...
Re: More on Mert...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg