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The Chip Board Archive 16

An interesting discussion over on.... and your (our) inputs are also welcome! (Note that you will have to register with in order to give a response, or two.)

Here is the link to the thread:

And the subject is:

An Appeal to ChipTalk Members - "No Copy Cat Chips - Code of Conduct"

And this is the thread starter, or Opening Post (OP) as done by Greg Cagle, owner and webmaster of

I have wanted to address this issue publicly for a long time. While I surely do not have the gift of eloquence, I hope that my appeal for this issue can gather support and contribution among all ChipTalkers and a Chippers alike. This is something we can get together on and come up with a solution that fits both of our hobbies.

What I would like to see is a collaborative effort to come up with a set of guidelines... a "code of conduct" of sorts around new chip designs. There has been many instances where ChipTalkers "admire" a design, whether it be a real casino chip or some other original work, and we want a "new version" of that design. Some might go as far as to say, to "copy" that design.

The Chippers collect chips, and the ChipTalkers create new ones. I think that we are doing a disservice not just to other Chippers, but to ourselves on this site when we promote, or even accept, a new design that closely resembles another chip.

Here is my appeal to you.

Let's collectively come up with a "No Copy Cat Chips Code of Conduct."

Let's make it brief, to the point, but comprehensive enough to cover not just casino chips, but commercial retail chip lines and personal chip designs as well.

If there is such a code already out there, let's embrace it and adhere to it. But I think we will probably be better by creating our own code so that we can ask ChipTalk Members to "accept" the code in some way. Perhaps give each member that will "Sign the Line Which Is Dotted" (accept the code) some type of a Badge of Honor.

What do you say? Are you with me?

Again, this is the link to the OP:

It was posted at about 10:30 pm yesterday and has garnered about 60+ replies.

I did not know that Greg Cagle was intending to make this post, so none of it has my involvement. However, I did know that Greg is of the opinion that he is putting forth and I believe this to be a sincere effort on his part.

Please give it a read and if you care too, post a reply. Here is a link to the homepage, where registration takes place. BTW-Registration does not get junk mail and actually gets done to prevent SPAM postings and other such Troll activity there.


Jim Follis

Copyright 2022 David Spragg