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The Chip Board Archive 15

Whoops, Shipping is only $1 for the first 3 chips

within the US and NOT $12 (That was a typo)


Messages In This Thread

for sale Chips for a friend (Scan #1) for sale
Georgias Email address in this post
Revised Shipping - $1 for first 3 chips (Within
for sale Chips for a friend (Scan #2) for sale
for sale Chips for a friend (Scan #3) for sale
for sale Chips for a friend (Scan #4) for sale
for sale Chips for a friend (Scan #5) for sale
for sale Chips for a friend (Scan #6) for sale
for sale Chips for a friend (Scan #7) for sale
for sale Chips for a friend (Scan #8) for sale
for sale Chips for a friend (Scan #9) for sale
ill take the American Casino Cruises!
Von, Please email Georgia at the email given above
i did grin
for sale Chips for a friend (Scan #10) for sale
for sale Chips for a friend (Scan #11) for sale
Whoops, Shipping is only $1 for the first 3 chips

Copyright 2022 David Spragg