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The Chip Board Archive 14

PBR Finals - YEP!

We LOVE 'em - we go to them every year, that and the NFR usually stay at the Tropicana when we go...but apparently we'll have to find some new digs after April :( Probably will try some of the older places downtown. Tried Sams Town last NFR, but it was only "ok" we thought. Thanks for the welcome!

Messages In This Thread

NRCR - Howdy all...another newbie like Mitch...
Re: NRCR - Howdy all...another newbie like Mitch..
PBR Finals - YEP!
Re: NRCR - Howdy all...another newbie like Mitch..
Welcome ( a bit early )
Re: NRCR - Howdy all...another newbie like Mitch..
ccgtcc slabFREE WELCOME PAUL vbg vbg
Re: ccgtcc slabFREE WELCOME PAUL vbg vbg
Paul, welcome!!!! Be sure to also...
Re: NRCR - Howdy all...another newbie like Mitch..
grin Welcome...
Welcome Paul,
Re: Welcome Paul,
Re: grin Glad to Have You Aboad, Paul! grin
Thanks for the welcomes!
Re: NRCR - Howdy all...another newbie like Mitch..

Copyright 2022 David Spragg