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Re: Think About This ... From a Tampa Newspaper

How about me Archie.

I'm not an immigrant.

I don't give a damn if you say Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays, but I can't imagione why you think Government run institutions should celebrate a religious a holiday.

It isn't my holiday and the idea that somehow I'm an outsider who needs to assimilate to your religious beliefs is particularly offensive. I don't care which Mythology you choose to believe but understand that it is just one of many. I choose my own and I don't feel any need to assilimate to yours. You ask " Isn't it amazing how this winter break ALWAYS occurs over the Christmas holiday?" its not really that amazing, a majority of people in thsi country celebrate Christmas, so without any concern whatsoever for constitutional principals they have created a situation in which public schools close in celebration of this religious holiday. Or perhaps you think their is divine internetion in the scheduling of school vacations.

The author if this letter writes "the dust from the attacks had barely settled when the "politically correct! " crowd began complaining about the possibility that our patriotism was offending others."

I'm sorry I missed this. What the hell is he talking about. Those of us stood up in the wake of 9/11 and decried racial profiling, the secret arrests and detention of Arab immigrants and or Arab Americans, the torture of these same people, The targeting of Muslims for deportation, among other abuses did not object to these things because we were being policically correct, hell by most accounts we were not politically correct. We objected to these things not because they offend Muslims, but because they offend us as Americans, because they offend the Constitution of the United States, and because they offend the very principals upon which this country was founded.

"He goes on to write " We adopted this motto because Christian men and women.......on Christian principles... founded this nation..... and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools." I previously posted in response to phyllis that this is nonsense, I provided plenty of evidence that this country was not founded on Christian Principals and many of the founders were not Christians. I don't feel like seraching the archive sfor that post, but if you do you will see that unlike this author I actually bothered to look athe writings of the founders to support my position, this author provides no support for his claim whatsover.

He writes "If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home.." I for one am not offended by God. I am offended by ignorant people who force their God on me. This is my home, if you wish to live in a church run state their are plenty of them around for you choose, One of the reasons that I love this country is because of the speration of church and state.

"If Stars and Stripes offend you, or you don't like Uncle Sam, then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet. We are happy with our culture and have
no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from."

This is so arrogant that it disgusts me. Our culture is our culture and we don't wish to learn from any more is absurd. "our culture" is growing and chnaging it always has. Chinese Food has become part of our culture, do you think the founders had chinese takeout? No of course not, as Asian immigrants came this country they brought their culture and we learned from it it and took parts of it and combined with it and developed "our culture" What a sad world this would be if we all just stopped learning from other cultures and locked ourselves away so that we need not come in contact with those who ar enot exactly like us.

Messages In This Thread

Think About This ... From a Tampa Newspaper
Re: Think About This ... From a Tampa Newspaper
Re: Think About This ... From a Tampa Newspaper
Hi Argie! vbg
"Argie"??? grin
Re: "Argie"??? grin
Bravo! Thanks, Archie! grin
Archie, your post made my day
grin Well said!
Re: Think About This ... From a Tampa Newspaper
The shame of the matter is....
on suits and lawyers
Re: Think About This ... From a Tampa Newspaper
Re: Think About This ... From a Tampa Newspaper
The Problem is Intolerance
Nicely said, Charles
Nicely Said, Entirely Wrong
Re: Nicely Said, Entirely Wrong
I only ask because of the tone
Re: I only ask because of the tone
Point well taken
Re: I only ask because of the tone
Re: I only ask because of the tone
Re: I only ask because of the tone
Re: I only ask because of the tone
Re: I only ask because of the tone
I beg to Differ
Re: I beg to Differ
Re: I beg to Differ
Well said Charles!
Re: The Problem is Intolerance
grin I agree, Archie...
Re: The Problem is Intolerance
Customs and Traditions
Re: Customs and Traditions
Re: Customs and Traditions
You Just Don't Get It, Do you?
I fully agree...
Re: You Just Don't Get It, Do you?
J. Canz got it exactly when he said ..
Re: The Problem is Intolerance
Re: The Problem is Intolerance
Re: What?
Re:God bless you Archie from an ex Green Beret
Re: Merry Christmas Archie
Archie Black xmas card arrived UK
Happy holidays Gene!
Re: Think About This ... From a Tampa Newspaper
Re: Think About This ... From a Tampa Newspaper
Re: The Problem with people in the UK..
You are way out of line
Re: Think About This ... From a Tampa Newspaper
Re: Think About This ... From a Tampa Newspaper
You dissapointed me Peter!
Re: You dissapointed me Peter!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg