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The Chip Board Archive 14

for sale Chipco Stacker Sample Chips for sale

Chipco made sample sets of some 'stacker' sets. These are glued together. They have printing on the top and bottom of the stack and the stack edge is printed per the issued chips. The top picture shows how a stack looks when broken open. Apart from the edge printing it comprises top and bottom chips printed on one side only and two 'blanks'
In the case of these Four Queens 1998 Halloween chips, the issued chip #1 in the set of 4 was the one with the green witch on. However, I also have sample stacks showing two of the other designs. I have a few sets of the 3 stacks available, plus a couple of odd stacks as shown and priced below. All the stacks for sale are glued. The prices all include shipping to allow for the fact that I will have to ship most in small boxes for safety. If you are buying a quantity or this can be combined with an o/s order then I should be able to offer a shipping saving to you.

Messages In This Thread

for sale Chipco Stacker Sample Chips for sale
for sale Chipco Stacker Samples 2 of 3 for sale
for sale Chipco Stacker Samples 3 of 3 for sale
One set of stacks sold, one left
Set of stacks sold

Copyright 2022 David Spragg