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The Chip Board Archive 13

A new can of worms for ya!

Hi gang,

I KNOW I'm going to upset a few people over this post - but this subject is something I feel strongly about....

We made our donations to the Red Cross, etc. but have been catching tiny bits of info on the animals and family pets left homeless or forced to be abandoned in the Gulf area. I have heard reporters almost cry over pets becoming entangled and electrocuted in fallen wires. I also cried when I saw a little boy's small dog taken from him when he loaded the evauation bus at the Superdome. Even though he cried so hard that he vomited, still yelling for "Snowball", the police tossed the dog aside and ignored it when it tried to scratch on the bus door to get on with his beloved one knows where the tiny dog is right now. I have dug deep for donations, but have found a way to dig alittle deeper (I don't like paying bills anyway!) to send money to a WONDERFUL place near us in Southern Utah called Best Freinds Sanctuary. I have included the link below and hope animal lovers will find time to not only check the updated hurricane rescue info (teams are headed into the area to help), but the "At the Sanctuary" really is a wonderful place! These people really make a $25.00 donation stretch! If any of you come through Southern Utah, I'd be proud to take you to this "heaven on earth" for god's creatures, I know you'd love it!
Thank you for indulging me.

Messages In This Thread

A new can of worms for ya!
I Too Love Animals
Re: Well, Dave...
Re: A new can of worms for ya!
What about....
Re: I Too Love Animals I know it
Re: A few more thoughts
Opps, got that backwards!
Re: A new can of worms for ya!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg