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The Chip Board Archive 12

Re: Any opinion on paying insurance to a self insu

The fact is even if you don't pay for insurance and you pay with PayPal and the item don't show up PayPal will get your money back for you. I had an item get lost one time and PayPal took the money right out of account. Boy you can bet you bippy I moved fast to resolve it. In the end the person got the item and it all worked out. The buyer has tons of protection. You can even tell PayPal the item was not what you thought it was and they will give you your money back. So what I am saying is even if you don't have insurance PayPal will take the money out of the sellers account and give it to the buyer if the seller can't prove he sent it with a internet tracking number. Hope this info is helpful.
Kind Regards

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Any opinion on paying insurance to a self insurer?
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Re: Any opinion on paying insurance to a self insu
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Re: Any opinion on paying insurance to a self insu

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