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The Chip Board Archive 12

Anyone want to sell me this chip for $50?

I have tried to win this Orbit Inn $100 chip(uncirculated / mint condition) 3 times on Ebay for $50 with no luck.Anybody have one for sale(or trade) for $50? They have sold for $55-$75 the last couple times I watched one sell so obviously I am being too cheap vbg If not I will just keep being patient and watching Ebay, maybe I will get lucky with some patience.....thanks -Justin

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Anyone want to sell me this chip for $50?
Re: Anyone want to sell me this chip for $50?
Re: Anyone want to sell me this chip for $50?
Re: Anyone want to sell me this chip for $50?
Well said Jim!
Re: Anyone want to sell me this chip for $50?
Great looking chip in my opinion....
Well said Jim
It IS a cool chip!
$75 still the going rate it seems....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg