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The Chip Board Archive 11

5200+ and 1 - Not A Bad W/L %
In Response To: My FIRST Ebay Negative ()

I buy a lot of stuff on ebay. It is rare to see someone (such as yourself) with so much positive feedback. When I do see someone with huge positives and a few negatives (in your case 1!), I assume the buyers were jerks and/or clueless.

I am sure it bothers you, but I agree with Bill -don't lose any sleep over it. Some people cannot be pleased or are looking to go out of their way to be a pain in the a#@.

Messages In This Thread

My FIRST Ebay Negative
Don't lose any sleep over it Chuck grin
Re: My FIRST Ebay Negative
5200+ and 1 - Not A Bad W/L %
Re: 5200+ and 1 - Not A Bad W/L %
Re: My FIRST Ebay Negative
grin Chuck...even with your GREAT service
Re: My FIRST Ebay Negative
I know how you feel...
you could arrange to get th neg feedback withdrawn
Re: you could arrange to get th neg feedback withd
and you wanted to retire!
Re: Tom
Your the BEST
Re: My FIRST Ebay Negative

Copyright 2022 David Spragg