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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: My FIRST Ebay Negative
In Response To: My FIRST Ebay Negative ()

Sorry to see it happen but perhaps it's best since I'm sure that it has always been in the back of your mind as to when it would happen.

The same thing happened to Charlie Kaplan not too long ago, and like yourself he was also upset and rightfully so but life goes on.

Right now I have a perfect score of 612 but I'm sure sooner or later that will also change.

Don't let it bother you, no one will think any less of you. Those 5000+ comments tell the real story

Messages In This Thread

My FIRST Ebay Negative
Don't lose any sleep over it Chuck grin
Re: My FIRST Ebay Negative
5200+ and 1 - Not A Bad W/L %
Re: 5200+ and 1 - Not A Bad W/L %
Re: My FIRST Ebay Negative
grin Chuck...even with your GREAT service
Re: My FIRST Ebay Negative
I know how you feel...
you could arrange to get th neg feedback withdrawn
Re: you could arrange to get th neg feedback withd
and you wanted to retire!
Re: Tom
Your the BEST
Re: My FIRST Ebay Negative

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