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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"

It is a very good thing that Saddam Hussein has been deposed. Isn't it obvious, however, that the resources expended in Iraq should have be used to capture and hang Bin Laden? It seems to me that Bush used our national tragedy of Sept 11 to justify the execution of his vendetta (resulting from the attempt to assassinate the elder Bush) with with Hussein. It was brought out in the commission hearings that there "were no good targets" in Afghanistan, so Iraq became the subject of our might, even though there is no direct link to the attacks of 9/11.

Messages In This Thread

NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
Re: NCR 17,000 U.S. Deaths...
I agree with that statement wholeheartedly!
Re: NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
Re: NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
Re: NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
Re: NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
Re: NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
Re: NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
How should we be supporting our troops ...
Re: How should we be supporting our troops ...
Some parting thoughts ...
Re: Some parting thoughts ...
Ah, the inevitable descent into ...
Re: Ah, the inevitable descent into ...
The course of our discussion ...
Re: The course of our discussion ...
Re: How should we be supporting our troops ...
Re: How should we be supporting our troops ...
Re: NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
Don't know the answer to ...
Re: NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
I would say you are probably correct
Re: NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
Re: NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
Re: NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
Re: NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
Re: NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
Re: NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
ZERO deaths were necessary because................
Re: ZERO deaths were necessary because............
Re: ZERO deaths were necessary??

Copyright 2022 David Spragg