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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: OK Mr. Poole You,You, Currency Expert

Today, the currency of the United States, the U.S. dollar, contains bills in denominations of $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100.

Until 1946, however, it contained five larger denominations. They are:

$500 bill: featured a portrait of William McKinley

$1000 bill: featured a portrait of Alexander Hamilton from 1918 to 1928, and Grover Cleveland from 1928 to 1946

$5000 bill: featured a portrait of James Madison
$10,000 bill: featured a portrait of Salmon P. Chase

$100,000 bill: featured a portrait of Woodrow Wilson (This bill was never put into general circulation; it was intended for intragovernmental transactions only.)

For the most part, these bills were used by banks and the Federal Government for large financial transactions. However, electronic transactions made it obsolete to use cash for these large transfers.

Messages In This Thread

OK Mr. Poole You,You, Currency Expert
Re: OK Mr. Poole You,You, Currency Expert
Re: OK Mr. Poole You,You, Currency Expert
Now that is a good looking bill!
Re: OK Mr. Poole You,You, Currency Expert
Money and privacy
Re: Money and privacy
It's Already Here Don....
Re: It's Already Here Don....
Yea, and the Tattoo on your forehead will wash off
grin vbg rofl grin vbg rofl
Ahhh Elementry My dear Watson!

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